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Marine Surveyor's Log

Windfarm Projects

Draft Survey

Differences between shore scale and draft survey quantities when loading grains at Bahia Blanca and Necochea ports

About Us

Company Profile

Our History

The company was established in 1991 to provide the southern part of Buenos Aires province shipping industry with a reliable, prompt and cost effective marine surveying and consultancy service. Having Necochea & Bahia Blanca as home ports we offer a vast list of marine services with the utmost attention. Since many years ago together with well recognized marine associates we have extended our goals giving services in the most important Argentinean ports. Our graduation in Naval Architecture and Mechanical Engineering ensure a true compromise with the client needs and through our career we have joined and served several local and international Maritime Institutions, Class Society and Flag State Maritime Authority, being the most important as follows:...


Marine & Cargo Matters

Marine Matters

On Hire Bunker Surveys. Ship’s conditions surveys for P&I Clubs. Flag state inspections (Bahamas). Accident and casualty investigation. Vessel damage surveys. Hull & Machinery Surveys. Bunker replenishment surveys. Technical inspections. Ship’s Condition Surveys. Investigation surveys related with a thir party claim. Damages to port installations. Ultrasonic Test of Hatch Covers. Hose test. Stability calculations. Lashing / Securing surveys.   CARGO MATTERS Bulk cargo dry and liquid quantity surveys. Draft Surveys. Deadweight...

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